It seems like recently the biggest "no, no" in Black America is to have anything but laughs and good words for Tyler Perry and his creations. The House of Payne and his movies and plays such as Madea Goes to Jail, Madea's Family Reunion, The Making of 'Diary', and Diary of a Mad Black Woman are simply not interesting to me. Each and every production is an adaptation of it's predecessor. It's as if everything he's done is yet another sequel. In a society where black men and women are some of the most homophobic (and outspoken about this) people around it's ironic that we derive soo much entertainment from a big black man in drag. I mean that dude is huge.. it's kinda scary.
I would say my criticisms are normal. What person doesn't have preferences when it comes to entertainment? Some like scary movies, some prefer romances and other prefer those teenie bopper college/high school comedies. I feel that Perry's movies focus on Black lack, characters with an inability to manage their emotions, and an overemphasis on money and labels. I'm tired of watching movies about mistreated struggling black mothers standing around in the kitchen reprising old Kirk Franklin albums and praying an crying; praying and crying. I just am tired of hearing/seeing the story. Personal Preferences. I cannot understand why some black people act as though a black person not having an interest is some type of affront to everyone else. Folks.. they're just make believe.
As an artist and a writer, I am not impressed with Perry. I think he got lucky. He's putting something out there that Black folks want to see.. and that is almost exclusively who is audience is.. Black folk. I just couldn't see him writing anything else or having the ability to leave this genre he's created for himself. I am planning to see a movie he's in soon... Start Trek 11 where he'll be playing the Commandant of the Academy! At least then he'll be relegated to resighting lines and not writing anything!