Ironically, the process is so much easier for those in academia and senior management. All they need is a résumé that's a couple pages long and a nice suit and you got the job. The AJC recently reported misrepresentation on the part of Pamela Stephenson who serves as interim CEO for the embattled Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA. Apparently it was discovered there were inequalities in Stephenson's resume to include 2 master degrees, a PhD, and a law degree. Of these four degrees, only one master could be verified. This discovery, of course, came after awarding her a 2 year, $1.2 Million guaranteed contract, even though her employment term is not expected to last that long. She has since apologized for the error, citing “Word Processing Error” for claims of these degrees she does not have.
The irony is that Pamela Stephenson had the job. The search committee, which Stephenson also chaired, described her as "good for Grady." The only reason her credentials were scrutinized so closely is because of public disapproval of her salary despite the ailing hospital's financial troubles. In addition to all this apparently she is being pursued in court for hundreds of thousands of dollars that she owes, and her ability to continue practicing law may be in question. did I also mention she is a Dakalb County Legislature??
Good thing she wasn't applying to be a Kroger Bagger because after looking at her credit and checking out her references and employment history, she likely wouldn't have even gotten an interview.
Hi, this is a most interesting blog. You seem to be very interested in God, and all that, I'm not like that, but I am inerested in your veiws of being black. That is also something that my friend is interested in, I will ask him to read this blog. By the way, since you are writing this blog, what kind of books do you read? You shoudl read the Autobiography of Malcom X by Alex Haley. You may not be rascist, but it is still a god book to open up some thoughts that you bring up in your blog.
I jsut wanted to add, I did not say I was rascist either, just that sometimes it seems to be true that we are stilll stuck in the past. *sigh*
I just wanted to add, I did not say I was rascist either, just that sometimes it seems to be true that we are stilll stuck in the past. *sigh*
I am by no means a racist either.. I feel it is however important to call things what they are so that we can confront, self educate, and adjust. Focusing on the past has long been a crutch for people of all races to excuse behavior.
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